coolstuffco's diary

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R.I.P.D. and Pacific Rim


  Ok so I saw R.I.P.D. and Pacific Rim last month and here's my review on them. Let's start with R.I.P.D. first.


  The movie was a flop; I went there for an MIB type movie and came out with a cheesy plot and video game style humor. Yah, some of it was funny, but it could have been SO MUCH MORE than what it was. I was so disappointed when I saw it, and I can't believe Turbo did better than this crap! The only good things about the movie were: Jeff Bridges ( HE ROCKS), and a little of the humor used. I give R.I.P.D. a 4/10 which is a "This sucks" movie on my rating. [Rating score is at bottom]


  Finally, Pacific Rim. It was a strong solid plot, and I liked it. The visuals were amazing as expected, and I knew I could trust Guillermo del Toro and both of these things since he did an amazing job with HellBoy. Now lets get to the negatives. It seemed the movie added more to it when I thought it was over. There were at least 4 or 3 times it happened and I kept saying, "YAH! That was an awesome movie! Oh....there's more? Ok..." I mean it got a little boring in between epic battles, even though Jaegers were only in it like 4 times in the whole dang movie, but overall it still held up thanks to those 2 things. I'm not gonna complain on how long the movie's ending took, but I still like the movie. I give Pacific Rim an 8/10 which is a "good" movie on my rating. ALRIGHT, that's it for today! If you like these movie reviews, LET ME KNOW! And maybe I'll do more. Peace :)

(UPDATE: Sorry I was gone 4 a month. I got caught up w/ CSCGames..AND I will be uploading my Youtube vids here as well.)



9 - Great

8 - Good

7 - Cool

6 - Alright

5 - Meh

4 - This Sucks

3 - I Hate It

2 - Oh God No